Training Policies
These training policies are set for the success of our Train Beyond The Pain Team Members and their fitness goals. Due to the large number of TBTP members, we also ask each member to be mindful of their teammates. Schedule your sessions ahead of time and if you need to cancel a session, do so within 24 to 72 hours before your scheduled appointment. Providing an early notice helps everyone on the team.
Training Policies:
I. Show up on time, your fitness goal is important.
* 16 minutes late (or more) with no contact is considered a no show.
II. Be prepared.
* Bring proper training attire, water bottle, and sweat towel to every session.
III. Log food daily on your "MyFitnessPal" online account
IV. Find a schedule that works best with your goal (per week).
* General Health: 1 - 2x Fitness Goal: 3 - 4x Performance: 5 - 6x
V. Complete 100% of your health/fitness homework weekly.
* HW includes: Strength/Cardio Training, PT Techniques, and MyFitnessPal.
VI. Be accountable to your fitness goal and be mindful of your TBTP Teammates.
* To cancel a session, please provide a 24-72 hour notice.
* Cancelling early enough can help open a "needed" time slot for a teammate.
* Less than a 24 hour notice, E-workout will be emailed.
VII. Show up consistently for yourself
* Become a "Train Beyond The Pain Athlete" by achieving your fitness goal
* Earn your own TBTP Athlete tank top (or gear)!
Thank you again for being part of our TBTP Fitness Team! We wish you success in your health and fitness journey with us!